Wednesday, 19 October 2016


顾名思义,STIFF RING字面翻译就是坚硬的环子,目的是用来强化底盘,让车子更扎实和稳固。

STIFF RING是使用空军级铝为原料,日本技术开发,轻巧而坚硬,所以不会出现一般铝太软的问题,

Stiff Ring主要是锁在车骨(Chassis)和车脚(Subframe或Axle)之间浮凸不平的地方。如果没安装Stiff Ring的话,如果车子底盘强度不好的话,会出现震抖,各种噪音,甚至操控感欠佳等等缺点。

安装了Stiff Ring后,铝环会固定着车骨和车脚之间的空隙,让空隙之间密合,让噪音,震抖大幅减少,更可增加车脚的扎实感,让这辆车的操控感和舒适感提升,甚至让Steering的反应更好!

安装Stiff Ring的好处和用途 :

1.  大幅减少车子的噪音,震抖,跳动
2.  强化车脚的扎实感
3.   提升车子的操控感
4.  提升车子的舒适感
5. 提升Steering的反应

Stiff Ring现有推出给各种在马来西亚的车款,
有兴趣的话可联络我查询 : 016-2010608 Wei Loon

Friday, 7 October 2016

Liqui Moly German X USA Supreme Engine Spa for Petrol and Diesel Engine & Supreme Transmission Flushing Service

Your One-Stop Car Detoxification Center
Liqui Moly German X USA Supreme Engine Spa for Petrol and Diesel Engine. 
■■ Made in USA 
■■ Regain the lost engine horse power and better fuel save ! 
■■ Prolong engine life span! 
■■ Fully utilize new engine oil's performance
■■ Machine working in stable and sufficiently's pressure to ensure the oil sludge and varnish fully pressed out from engine. 
■■ Pressure value to determine engine's condition
■■ Will not damage or consume seals and rings 
■■ The package content is include :
1.Flushing Additive to fully cleaning the oil sludge and varnish in whole engine. 
2. Treatment additive to protect the seals and rings from wear and tear friction , also against the sludge deposits and varnish.
3. Filter Polypelyne for better filtering purpose
4. Engine pressure ratio measument to understand engine's health condition.

Liqui Moly German X USA Supreme Transmission Flushing Service 
■■ Available for ATF , CVT , DCT (Dual Clutch Transmission) 
■■ High technology USA import machine 
■■ Highly accurate exchange rate for new and used fluid , guarantee your gear box clean like new ! 
■■ Get back the quick and accurate gear shifting 
■■ Safety and rapid ! 
■■ Pressure value to determine gearbox's condition
■■ Package is include Transmission Conditioner Additive and Flushing Additive to remove the transmission's varnish and clean all components , also conditioning transmission's seals and rings

**Each package price from RM200 only ! (Exclude engine oil and transmission fluid)
**Both services available in Bandar Sunway and Prai Penang Outlets
**Inquiries : 016-2010608 Wei Loon